Here are 5 bizarre food delicacies from around the world:

Number 1 -- Balut, a popular food snack in the Philippines. It is a fertilized duck egg containing its semi-formed fetus. Eating balut is not for the faint of heart as one can see the partially formed head, beak and wings of the fetus, surrounded by the liquidly part of the egg.

Number 2 - are the rats. In Thailand, roasted rats are considered a delicacy, costing even more than chicken or pork. Thailand is the 3rd biggest consumer of rat meat in Asia. This Thai delicacy is so popular that its demand has surpassed the current supply.

Number 3 - Puffer Fish. It is also known as fugu in Asia and is served in parts of China , Japan and Korea. Puffer Fish also happens to be one of the most poisonous vertebrates on this planet. They contain tetrodotoxin which can be 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide.

Number 4 - Haggis is the traditional dish of Scotland and is made of sheep's heart, liver, lungs, combined with onions, oatmeal, and spices. All these ingredients are then put together into a sheep's stomach and boiled for a few hours.

Number 5 - Puffin Heart. Icelanders like to eat the heart of Puffin bird raw, while it is still fresh and warm. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey stirred quite a controversy for eating raw heart of puffin bird on TV. People believe that the practice of killing and eating the heart of this cute sea bird is inhumane. Like it or not, puffin heart is a delicacy in Iceland.

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