25 Places You Have To See Before You Die
Sport has its own way of influencing and making an impression on people.Since the first sporting activities were introduced in 3000 B.C., they have been among the most popular sources of entertainment...Read more »
If you won the lottery tomorrow...how would you spend the money? Buying fancy cars? Going on ridiculous vacations? Having $1 million worth of diamonds attached to your cellphone? As you read through t...Read more »
With more and more people becoming proficient at using image editing software like Photoshop it can be hard to tell whether what you see on the internet is real or fake. While most of the time your sk...Read more »
You probably didn’t realize it but many of the words you use everyday are actually trademarked. These are 25 common words that you didn’t realize are actually brand names.25. Band-AidBand-Aid is a tra...Read more »
From capsized ships and stampeding elephants to wedding proposals and guitar shaped forests these are 25 of the most bizarre and unique finds on Google Earth.25. A herd of buffalo in Tanzania24. The F...Read more »
Miles Scott is a 5-year-old brave little boy with leukemia who has always wanted to be a superhero like Batman. In order to make his dream come true, The Make-A-Wish foundation along with the city of ...Read more »
Recently the China National Tourism Administration released a 64 page illustrated manual title "Guidelines For Civilized Travel Abroad". This is the latest attempt by the Chinese government to salvage...Read more »
Although as far as planets are concerned Earth is relatively moderate with regards to its climate and geography (good thing too!), there are places even in our own world that may surprise you with the...Read more »
One of the best things about having an organized judicial system is that there is always a way for citizens to achieve justice when they are wronged. Unfortunately though, some citizens take advantage...Read more »
Countries around the world may boast of languages inherent to them alone, but the fact remains that if they do not do something about their own endangered languages, they may quietly go into extinctio...Read more »
Not long ago we came to you with 25 inventions that changed our way of life. Well, we're back, but this time we're only concerned with those inventions that no one actually intended to invent. So, fro...Read more »
Setting out on a rescue missions is never an easy thing. From time to time, military troops launch rescue operations to save people from dangerous situations created by terrorists, natural disasters, ...Read more »
Known for some extremely out of this world mythology, the Greek legends have been the subject of popular culture for thousands of years. The most famous characters in these myths are the gods and godd...Read more »
Throughout the course of world history, great speeches have influenced and changed the trajectory of our past. From Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount to the inaugural speeches of modern leaders, thei...Read more »
Although today there are very few places on Earth above sea level that aren't explored (it has been said that we know more about the moon than we do the bottom of the ocean), there are still a few pla...Read more »
The world has witnessed numerous disasters over the centuries and although most are man-made due to wars and terrorism, mother nature certainly dishes out her fair share of damage.While there are many...Read more »
If you won the lottery tomorrow...how would you spend the money? Buying fancy cars? Going on ridiculous vacations? Having $1 million worth of diamonds attached to your cellphone? As you read through t...Read more »
Creepiness can be hard to define. Although the dictionary definition would be something along the lines of "annoyingly unpleasant" if you ask a hundred people you'll most likely get a hundred differen...Read more »
While most laws are created to protect the interests of society, there are some that are just unexplainable, illogical, and even impractical.From laws concerning what food you may eat and when to laws...Read more »
Earth is a big place with a lot of unique flora and fauna, and as strange as it can already be there are still new geological discoveries being made every day. While there are probably numerous places...Read more »
Although we like to think of scientific inquiry as being completely objective, unfortunately there have been times in the past that it has been biased by our human desires.Whether it is for fame, fort...Read more »
If you are one of those people whose palms get sweaty just thinking about being close to the edge then you should prepare yourself because in a few minutes your hands will most likely be drenched.With...Read more »
While some phobias are actually quite useful and probably aided humanity in its survival there are others where it can really be hard to see the usefulness or purpose behind them. From ebulliophobia (...Read more »
Generally speaking a massacre would be any incident where one group is killed by another and the perpetrating group has total control of power. There is no clear cut definition, however, that would al...Read more »
Whether due to war, drought, or just the passing of time everything has an expiration date and is eventually forgotten or abandoned. While some places fall into disrepair and are bulldozed, others rem...Read more »
Although in post modern society superstitions don't have much of a place, at least not in the typical sense (think OCD), for most of history they have a played a huge role in shaping culture and socie...Read more »
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