From the toilet roll to fireworks marvel at these amazing Chinese inventions!
List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia
The porn industry - the sordid side of the internet that offers entertainment to every teenage boy - has generated millions of dollars for some of its biggest stars. From Jesse Jane, who launched h...Read more »
Could you imagine being locked in a cage, or forced into a medieval duel by your mum and dad for disobeying them? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle =...Read more »
With over 1.5 billion people using Facebook in 2016, the social network has become the superpower of the social media landscape. With with power comes responsibility and Facebook has unfortunately ...Read more »
Our Sun batters the Earth with an enormous amount of energy every day, portions of which provide our planet with the light and heat necessary to support precious life. When temperatures get intole...Read more »
Straight up weird inventions that you need to see to believe. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbyg...Read more »
Humans are competitive by nature, that’s why they enjoy each activity more by making it into a competition. There are plenty of strangest competitions out there, some of which are incredibly dangerou...Read more »
"From the Japanese penis festival to the annual goat throwing festival in Spain, these bizarre festivals from around the world are built upon centuries of tradition and history. Tourists from f...Read more »
Fancy a bowl of cock soup for dinner? Maybe you'd also enjoy some of these 9 other unfortunately named products too.. Read more »
Politics is messy business, but even more so when the leaders of the country get embroiled in a sex scandal. From a murdered mistress, to mass orgies,the 10 worst political sex scandals. Read more »
Forget Professor Snape... From spiking their student's oreos with sedatives to setting up a baby fight club, AllTime10s brings you the 10 most evil teachers. Read more »
10 photos that prove you have a dirty mind. This list contains ten pictures you have to look at twice, but in fact these images are harmless. Which one is the best and funniest? Read more »
10 deadliest poisons. This list contains ten of the most lethal poisons and substances in the world | planet earth known to humanity. Do you know more deadly toxins that will kill people? 10. Cyan...Read more »
Phobias are defined as a persistent irrational fear of specific objects, activities, or situations that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. Almost all phobias are the result of a bad past exper...Read more »
For almost as long as we've had civilization, we've lost it. There are records going back hundreds of years of explorers discovering huge temples encrusted with jungle, or giant pits full of treasure ...Read more »
It’s unlikely that toy manufacturers mean to offend, creep out, or otherwise alienate consumers, but somehow it happens from time to time.Here are 10 shocking toys.Number 10. Oreo Fun Barbie. Everybod...Read more »
Here are 10 things Indians do better than Americans.Number 10. Weddings. Specific details vary from region to region, but overall Indian weddings are elaborate affairs that last several days. While Am...Read more »
Greed and desire often force people to do some truly atrocious things. Every year, one day of shopping draws out the true, dark colors of shoppers all across America. In this video from Top 10 Archive...Read more »
From Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson and George Zimmerman, in this video we will take a brief look at some of the most controversial court verdicts to date.10. Brown vs. The Board of Education9. Michael J...Read more »
Methods of torture throughout time have been inventive, to say the least, some offering more reprieve than others for the unfortunate soul attached. While no torture sounds fun, there are those that a...Read more »
In this top 10 video, we’ll look at 10 nostalgic video game facts.10. Mario’s Mushrooms9. Donkey Kong8. Star Fox7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl6. Twilight Princess5. Super Mario Brothers4. The Simpsons3. S...Read more »
Sometimes you’ve got to take things slowgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; g...Read more »
The mention of Scotland conjures images of green rolling hills, woolen knits, plaid, and, of course, Scotch whisky.Here are 10 other cool things about the country and its people.Number 10. Inventions....Read more »
Here are 10 things Indians do better than Americans.Number 10. Weddings. Specific details vary from region to region, but overall Indian weddings are elaborate affairs that last several days. While Am...Read more »
We look towards the elderly for life advice. Sure, they have a great deal of it, but babies can impart a lot of wisdom as well.Here are 10 things babies can teach us.Number 10. Live in the moment. Gro...Read more »
Celebrity is not a status exclusively bestowed upon the living. Some carry their popularity over into the afterlife, while others find it there for the first time.Here are 10 of America’s most famous ...Read more »
Tail wagging has long been associated with a pup’s mood, but the fascinating and often telling, things about the appendage don’t stop there.Here are 10 things you didn’t know about dogs’ tails.Number ...Read more »
Given the charmed lives many celebrities lead, it’s hard to imagine that they’ve ever had to go without. For many famous people, that is very far from the truth.Here are 10 of them who were once homel...Read more »
In modern times many customs have been cast aside, existing only in stories about how things used to be. Not all of them, though.Here are 10 strangely cool UK traditions practiced to this day.Number 1...Read more »
The '70s weren't just a time for platform shoes and disco. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google...Read more »
Barack Obama is one of the world’s most watched and talked about people, yet there are still surprising, little publicized facts about the man out there.Here are 10 things you may not know about the U...Read more »
Dogs are lovable, loyal companions, but it’s hard to deny that they do some pretty weird stuff from time to time.Here are 10 strange dog behaviors explained.Number 10. Facing the same direction every ...Read more »
Here are 10 things you didn't know about big rigs.Big rigs seem to be just about everywhere, which may be why we often just accept their presence as part of the landscape and don’t give the trucks a l...Read more »
Just because we’ve gotten used to planes having a certain look, that doesn’t mean other configurations won’t get off of the ground.Here are 10 very unusual planes.Number 10. Bartini Beriev VVA-14. It’...Read more »
Here are 10 things Australians do better than Americans.Australia and the US have a lot in common. The two countries share a language, a regional fondness for surfing, and even have the same mother co...Read more »
If your usual bungee jumping spots just aren’t making your heart race like they used to, consider checking out one of these locales.Here are the 10 scariest places to take the plunge.Number 10. The Ro...Read more »
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