You say to-mah-to, I say to-may-to... as it turns out, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers aren't the only ones with trouble pronouncing their meals. Here are the top 10 commonly mispronounced foods.
10 - Most of us love to indulge in tasty Greek treat of pita and roasted meats, but the next time you order one make sure not to call it Gyro - the correct pronunciation is Gyro.
9 - If you've been saying Bruschetta, you've been saying it wrong. It's actually Bruschetta.
8 - When your server comes around, don't make the common mistake of saying sake, as it's actually pronounced sake.
7- Appearing on most menus around the U.S. these days, the healthy chickpea spread is often badly pronounced. It's not hummus. The correct way to say it is hummus.
6 - Even world renowned chefs get this one wrong, frequently saying Mango Lassi, when it's really Mango Lassi.
5 -- Don't mix up this dish like so many people by referring to it as Crepe in place of its true form, crêpe.
4 - Leave that ending S off, so instead of ordering Frites, ask your server for some Frites.
3 - Rather than saying Edamame, try saying Edamame to impress your fellow diners.
2- Almost everyone says Croissant, but given the popularity you should learn the right way to say it - Croissant.
1 -- Don't make the common mistake of saying Baklava; switch it out for a more accurate way -Baklava.
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